

Flavored whiskey has been around since well before the prohibition. Since the fruity spice of Cuffs and Buttons (renamed “Southern Comfort”) and the honeyed scotch of Drambuie, crazy people have been putting all sorts of crazy flavors in their whiskey.

There’s a lot of purposes behind doing something like this. One of them is to make whiskey more palatable for the folks that don’t appreciate it on its own. But that’s only one.

Today, just as some whiskeys are being seriously blended, some whiskeys are being seriously flavored. Some distillers are going to great lengths and costs to add real fruit and flavor products to their whiskeys and reflect long-time local cultures, industries, and tastes. And they can be good. Real good.

First Set of Whiskey Laws

Second Set of Whiskey Laws

Third Set of Whiskey Laws

Fourth Set of Whiskey Laws

Fifth Set of Whiskey Laws

It’s hard to say that the whiskey essence takes a backseat to the “extra” flavors introduced. Most flavored whiskeys of quality are inescapably whiskey tasting and very intentionally for only whiskey drinkers. But the end result turns into something completely different.

Something to be enjoyed on its own or in a cocktail. Just as there’s a short cut or a long road to making whiskey, the same holds true for the ripe, full, complex flavors that can morph a whiskey into its own unique expression.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ess_grid alias=”flavored-whiskey”][/vc_column][/vc_row]